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Hon Chut Lighthouse is an "extremely impressive" high-altitude check-in point
A place considered a symbol of the pristine Binh Hung Island is Hon Chut Lighthouse. From the day it was built until now, the lighthouse has been the main light source guiding countless ships passing by. This beautiful island protects fishermen from the sea to return safely and becomes the pride of the local people every time it is mentioned.
One of the historical landscapes of Binh Hung Island (Photo ST)
Surely many of you will ask where is Hon Chut lighthouse because the name sounds quite strange. Actually, Binh Hung Island also has another name, Hon Chut Island (or Hon Ty), so the people here took another name for the island and named the lighthouse like that. Located in the area of Binh Hung village, Cam Binh commune, Cam Ranh district, Khanh Hoa province, the lighthouse was built in 1988 to help shine light and show the way for passing ships and boats at night. know the way and avoid colliding with other boats, like a mother who covers, protects, and protects the safety of her children – residents here who go out to sea and return safely after trips.
To get to the lighthouse, you can go by personal motorbike or there is also an electric car service to take you there! With a height of up to 16m, when you visit this place you will have the most panoramic view of Binh Hung Island. When climbing to the top floor of the lighthouse, a majestic scene appears before your eyes. You will be amazed and amazed by the wonderful beauty that nature has bestowed on this land. Looking from afar, there are endless, undulating mountains surrounding the island. When you get closer, you will see the same color. The blue sky stretches everywhere, the clear blue of the sky, the blue of the sea and the green of the mountains and forests, all combine to create a picture so beautiful that no words can describe it. Okay.
If you can stand at the Hon Chut lighthouse and watch the sea in the early morning, you can clearly see the rays of dawn rising from the distant horizon, slowly rising from the sea and illuminating the sea. throughout the space, awakening the darkness of the sea at night, then watching the bustling ships passing back and forth bustlingly on Cam Ranh port. At that time, the hustle and bustle of life had already begun.
In addition to being delighted by the wonderful scenery, you can also smell the salty smell of the sea from the wind blowing, hear the sound of waves crashing against the cliffs, remember to close your eyes and fully feel this perfect moment. you are ecstatic.
If you go to explore the wildness of the beautiful Binh Hung Island but miss the Hon Chut lighthouse, you will be full of regrets. This is where the directions are lit, guiding countless ships and boats back and forth to the island. You will also be able to admire the panoramic view of the vast, vast, immense, breathtakingly beautiful sea and sky for yourself. Those are very memorable memories.