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Go to Cam Ranh Beach to snorkel and enjoy seafood
Nom Beach Binh Ba is one of the famous beaches after Nha Cu beach on Binh Ba island when you travel to Cam Ranh. Swimming at Nom beach from morning to afternoon is extremely interesting because the sea is extremely clear and sandy. Smooth, soft, with cool green poplar rows, there are rows of chairs selling water for you to sit and watch the ocean, which is equally wonderful to listen to the whispering waves.
Nom Beach on Binh Ba island is located opposite the wharf, go straight through Binh Ba market, about 500m in 5 minutes walk you will reach a beautiful, pristine beach with a beautiful view from above through the poplar grove, where Here you will see shops selling on both sides of the road or a sewing machine sewing sea nets very peacefully.
Nom Beach when night falls is also the time when you can enjoy delicious, sweet seafood from lobsters raised on the island or caught seafood, at this time tables and chairs are set up, electric lights will be sparkling. , lighting a campfire… extremely interesting with the home-grown singing of tourists starting to resound in a corner of the island. In addition, you can enjoy seafood that is sold individually for you to choose from if you go to Binh Minh on your own. Three without going through any travel company.
Since 2015, Bai Nom has had an explosion of information about Binh Ba in the mass media. Here, sea sports games have begun to develop strongly such as worm pulling canoes, water canoes, pontoon boat rentals…, shops. The cafe on the left has expanded, which means that sometimes you will be annoyed by the smell of gasoline or surfing by a canoe causing strong waves to affect you.
When traveling to Binh Ba in Cam Ranh Bay, Nom beach is the easiest place to find, in addition, Nha Cu beach, Chuong beach, Dau Rua beach… are places not to be missed.